
Local homes for local people

High-quality, secure long-term rentals, so people can live and work in their home areas. Strong Local Connection criteria -

Work with local communities

We’ll create new housing directly or with Community Land Trusts and local groups. Communities will have genuine control, to safeguard the homes and create more.

Focus on rebuilding neglected housing

Find, buy and refurbish old property, often neglected or underused for many years. Refurb eyesores to make high-quality homes.

Heritage and preservation

We’ll take on historic listed buildings, often in poor condition. We’ll rebuild and improve, while safeguarding the heritage.

Minimum impact on the planet

Reduce our carbon: better for the planet and the tenants through lower energy bills. High-quality insulation and cost-saving, green energy generation where possible.

Not-for-profit, forever

Really strong safeguards and covenants to defend our housing forever: all surplus reinvested into new homes. Everything published and visible – no secrets.

The Looe Coastguard Flats

Our first project is the purchase and refurb of these eleven small flats, currently owned by Cornwall Council and mostly empty for some time. They will become vital low-rent homes for locals. The process is slow but we are progressing steadily, with huge support from the town.

Local ownership = local control

Full, high-energy involvement by local people is vital. We are working with groups around the county to find sites and promote community ownership. We offer our specialist skills and experience on design and construction, finances, tenancies and housing management.

Pro-planet and pro-tenant

We are committed to creating high-insulation, low energy homes, and adding green energy generation wherever possible. Lower carbon emissions, and lower bills for tenants!

Defending heritage

Most of our projects are historic buildings. We work hard, and invest extra money, to preserve and improve the fabric as we bring these much-loved buildings back to life.

High-quality, low rent homes so people can live where they grew up. Not a fantasy – we are doing it, right now

LAtest News!

Over £200,000 raised for Looe's COastguard Cottages

The final figure of investment via our Community Share offer is just over £100,000! So with our pound-for-pound Co-ops UK Booster Fund that's £200,000 towards the refurbishment. Thanks to all who got involved, we'll update with more detail as soon as we can.

Our Community Share offer is now closed.